The descendants of Charles R Jacomb.

This Jacomb family was found in Lincolnshire and Kent from the 1940s and has not been linked to others so far. Individuals of the same generation appear in the same colour.

1 Charles R JACOMB ( - ).

Marr Sandra J DAY Q4 1944, Boston, Lincolnshire.

Sp. Sandra J DAY ( - ).

1.1 Anita M JACOMB ( - ).

Sp. ? RIMMELL ( - ).

1.2 Patricia A JACOMB ( - ).

Sp. ? HORSINGTON ( - ).

1.3 Charles R JACOMB ( - ).

1.4 Suzanne J JACOMB ( - ).

1.5 Mark E JACOMB ( - ).

Sp. Lesley D ? ( - ).
