The descendants of Robert C Jacomb.

This Jacomb family was found in Worcestershire in the 1950s and has not been linked to others so far. Individuals of the same generation appear in the same colour.

1 Robert C JACOMB ( - ).

Marr ? LAWRENCE Q3 1958, Stourbridge, Worcestershire.

Sp. ? LAWRENCE ( - ).

1.1 Anthony R JACOMB ( - ).

Sp. Christine M LLOYD ( - ).

1.1.1 Sarah JACOMB ( - ).

1.1.2 Matthew Anthony JACOMB ( - ).

1.1.3 Jodie Ann JACOMB ( - ).

1.2 David C JACOMB ( - ).

1.3 Robert A JACOMB ( - ).

Sp. Maureen ? ( - ).

1.4 Andrew Richard JACOMB ( - ).
