Geoff Wyatt (2010 - 2011)

All Time Average: Not Qualified All Time Rating: -NA-
Games Played: 2 Scores of 50 or more: 0
Games Won: 1 Scores of 40-49: 0
Games Drawn: 0 Scores of 30-39: 2
Games Lost: 1 Scores under 30: 0
Pins Scored: 63 Top Scores: 0
Pins Conceded: 62 Beavers: 0
Pin Difference: 1 Snowballs: 0
Spares: 0 No Fines: 0
Best home score: 33 15.09.2010 v Tabards at London Inn
Worst home score: 30 13.10.2010 v Nomads at London Inn
Best away score: -NA-
Worst away score: -NA-
Best spare: -NA-
Highest qualifying average: 31.5000 2010/2011
Highest average position: Never Qualified
Lowest qualifying average: 31.5000 2010/2011
Best pins against opponent: 1 2010/2011
Worst pins against opponent: 1 2010/2011

Performance by position played

Position Played Average
4 1 30.0000
Highest 30 13.10.2010 v Nomads at London Inn
Lowest 30 13.10.2010 v Nomads at London Inn
5 1 33.0000
Highest 33 15.09.2010 v Tabards at London Inn
Lowest 33 15.09.2010 v Tabards at London Inn

1. 15 games played needed to qualify for an all-time average.

2. In any season two thirds of games (1969-2004) and half of games (2005 onwards) must be played to qualify for an average.