All Time Average: | 37.4314 | All Time Rating: | 15 |
Games Played: | 51 | Scores of 50 or more: | 0 |
Games Won: | 23 | Scores of 40-49: | 14 |
Games Drawn: | 6 | Scores of 30-39: | 36 |
Games Lost: | 22 | Scores under 30: | 1 |
Pins Scored: | 1,909 | Top Scores: | 3 |
Pins Conceded: | 1,848 | Beavers: | 0 |
Pin Difference: | 61 | Snowballs: | 0 |
Spares: | 3 | No Fines: | 0 |
Best home score: | 44 | 28.10.1987 v Berkeley Casuals C.C. at Eagle Star Club |
Worst home score: | 27 | 23.03.1988 v Hospital Dropouts at Eagle Star Club |
Best away score: | 44 | 05.11.1986 v Stable Boys at Conservative Club |
Worst away score: | 32 | 02.05.1988 v Rogues at Lansdown Inn |
Best spare: | 15 | 17.03.1987 v Wimpeys at Brown Jug |
Highest qualifying average: | 37.9600 | 1986/1987 |
Highest average position: | 3 | 1986/1987 |
Lowest qualifying average: | 36.8333 | 1987/1988 |
Best pins against opponent: | 45 | 1986/1987 |
Worst pins against opponent: | 16 | 1987/1988 |
1. 15 games played needed to qualify for an all-time average.
2. In any season two thirds of games (1969-2004) and half of games (2005 onwards) must be played to qualify for an average.
Tuesday, 11 February 2020